












1)Find two consecutive numbers add up to 54.What are they?2)The successive whole numbers add up to 54 .What are they ?3) The sum of two numbers is 38and their difference is 4.Find the two numbers.4)$4800 is divided between two sons so the elder receives $600 more than three-fifth of the share of the... 顯示更多 1)Find two consecutive numbers add up to 54.What are they? 2)The successive whole numbers add up to 54 .What are they ? 3) The sum of two numbers is 38and their difference is 4.Find the two numbers. 4)$4800 is divided between two sons so the elder receives $600 more than three-fifth of the share of the younger.How much money have each one received? 5)When daylight last x hours,the night is 5x/9 hours long .Find the value of x. 6)One number exceeds another by 5 ,and their sum is 29 ,Find them. 7)The sum of two numbers is 8,and one of them with 22 added to it is five times the other; find the numbers. 8)A is twice as old as B,ten years age he was four times as old;what is the pres小額貸款推薦ent age of B ?民間二胎貸款


All of them need to be answered in equations. 1)Find two consecutive numbers add up to 54.What are they? Let the smaller consecutive number be x. x + (x+1) = 54 x + x +1 = 54 2x = 53 x = 53 / 2 ∴ x = 26.5 ∴ The another number is︰26.5 + 1 = 27.5 Does the question have any problems? Why the answer have decimal? Or just the answer? 2)The successive whole numbers add up to 54 .What are they ? Why the question is the same ? The answer can be answered as above (Q1). 3) The sum of two numbers is 38 and their difference is 4.Find the two numbers. Let the larger number be x, the smaller one be y. x + y = 38..........(1) x - y = 4..........(2) (2)︰x = 4 + y..........(3) Subst. (3) into (1). (4 + y) + y = 38 4 + 2y = 38 2y = 34 y = 17..........(4) ∴ The smaller number is 17. Subst. (4) into (2) x - 17 = 4 x = 21 ∴ The larger one is 21. 4) $4800 is divided between two sons so the elder receives $600 more than three-fifth of the share of the younger.How much money have each one received? Let the amount of money that the elder get be x. Let the amount of money that the younger get be y. x - 600 = 3y / 5..........(1) x + y = 4800..........(2) (2)︰x = 4800 - y..........(3) Subst (3) into (1) (4800 - y) - 600 = 3y / 5 4200 - y = 3y / 5 5(4200 - y) = 3y 21000 - 5y = 3y 8y = 21000 y = 2625..........(4) ∴ The younger gets $2625. Subst. (4) into (2) x + 2625 = 4800 x = 2175 ∴ The elder gets $2175. 5)When daylight last x hours,the night is 5x/9 hours long .Find the value of x. x + 5x/9 = 24(one day has 24 hrs) 9x/9 + 5x/9 = 24 14x/9 = 24 x = 216/14 x = 15 3/7 or = 15.429(cor. to 5 sig. fig.) ∴ The value of x is 15 3/7 6)One number exceeds another by 5 ,and their sum is 29 ,Find them. Let the number be y. y + (y+5) = 29 2y + 5 = 29 y = 24 / 2 y = 12 ∴ The original number is 12. ∴ The larger number is 12 + 5 = 17. 2009-08-06 17:59:04 補充: 7)The sum of two numbers is 8,and one of them with 22 added to it is five times the other; find the numbers. Let the smaller number be x, the larger one be y. x + y = 8..........(1) x + 22 = 5y..........(2) 2009-08-06 17:59:17 補充: (1)︰x = 8 - y..........(3) Subst. (3) into (2) 8 - y + 22 = 5y 30 - y = 5y 6y = 30 y = 5..........(4) ∴ The larger one is 5. 2009-08-06 17:59:45 補充: Subst. (4) into (1) x + 5 = 8 x = 3 ∴ The smaller one is 3. 2009-08-06 17:59:51 補充: 8)A is twice as old as B, ten years age he was four times as old; what is the present age of B ? Let the age of A be A, the age of B be B. A = 2B..........(1) A - 10 = 4(B-10)..........(2) Subst. (1) into (2) 2B - 10 = 4(B-10) 2B - 10 = 4B - 40 -2B = -30 B = 15 ∴ The present age of B is 15. 2009-08-06 18:00:35 補充: sorry,唔夠位,所以睇意見呢度啦… 仲有,你係唔係在最後的那一條打錯了一個字 ? ago 你打左做 age ??


2)The successi代辦貸款ve whole numbers add up to 54 .What are they ? The question does not say 2 successive whole numbers. We can have 3 successive numbers: 17, 18, 19 4 successive numbers: 12,13,14,15 9 successive小額信貸 numbers: 2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,1088E6EF369AA1074E

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